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On inquiring it

■Please read and agree to the privacy policy before filling in the inquiry form.
■Please make sure to enter a phone number where you can be reached (home or cell phone) in the "Phone Number" field.
■It may take some time for us to reply to your inquiry, so please call us if you are in a hurry.
■Please check your spam filtering settings so that you can receive our reply.
■If you do not receive a reply, please contact us again.

Inquiry form

Request contents ※required
Company name
The name ※required
Example) Taro Yamada
Furigana ※required
Example) Yamada Taro
Zip code
Example) 012-3456
The metropolis and districts
Address, name
Phone number
Example) 012-345-6789 ※A cell-phone is possible
FAX number
Example) 012-345-6789
E-mail address ※required

※I reinput it for confirmation
Return address you like
Inquiry item ※required
Contents ※required